zondag 14 november 2010

BLOOD is the new BLACK

Grootste stijlblunder van het moment: Vrouwen die zicht stoerder trachtten te kleden, creëren vaak een neerwaarts effect en komen een stuk minder sympathiek over.

Oplossing: weg met die legerlaarzen; en maak kennis met;
BLOOD is the new BLACK - het stijlvolle stoer van de 21e eeuw


Pot, Sex, and Acid are the new Sex, Drugs, and Rock ‘n’ Roll.

Actually its the same thing, it just sounds cooler.

Mom and dad boyfriend tee

Call your mom and dad. Do you need some change?


An Urban Outfitters x Blood is the New Black Exclusive.
So that's what the lion's been hiding in his mane this entire time...

Andy Warhol meets Lady Liberty.

C'est la vie

Such is life. A fat naked dude telling you to f off.

Here's your chance to be a beardo hipster
without having to compromise your personal hygiene.

Take all of me boyfriend tee.

flipping over the top of the wing set on a swing WILL turn you inside out.
Some people have to learn that the hard way.

1 opmerking:

  1. mooi zo ;) (buiten dat van die legerlaarzen ben ik niet mee akkoord)
